The last time actress Ali MacGraw sat down with Oprah was in 2010 during an episode of “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” The brunette beauty was 71 at the time, and spoke candidly about her thoughts on aging in Hollywood. Now, MacGraw is sitting down with Oprah once again to continue their conversation about aging, her famous relationships and her spiritual journey — but with one noticeable difference.
MacGraw has let her hair turn gray.
Why the change?
“I turned 75 on April Fool’s Day, as you know,” MacGraw says to Oprah in the above video. “I suddenly thought, ‘Enough is enough.'”
MacGraw doesn’t think everyone will understand her choice to go natural, but explains that she couldn’t ignore the feeling that happened after her last birthday. “I’m sure there’s a million people out there that think I’m crazy. [But] I felt some kind of change. I really did,” she says. “I mean, about time, wouldn’t you say?”
Living away from the celebrity-driven culture of Los Angeles, MacGraw says that in her current town of Santa Fe, she is surrounded by stunning, mature women who have embraced their natural beauty. “I thought, ‘I’m safe doing this here,'” she admits. “I’m so intimidated… [by] walking down Rodeo Drive. Oh God, somebody’s soon going to say, ‘Wow, I know somebody who could really do you neck,’ or ‘What are you doing now?’ All that L.A. talk, to define your worth.”
Emboldened by other Santa Fe women, MacGraw left the Hollywood pressure behind and embraced her natural gray.
“I thought, ‘Screw it. I’m just going to see what it looks like,” she says. “It looked awful for a while, but now I really love it!”
Ali MacGraw’s full conversation with Oprah airs on “Super Soul Sunday” this Sunday, September 28, on OWN at 11 a.m. ET, during which it also streams live on, and