‘Downton Abbey’-Inspired Photo Series Gives Adorable Babies The Roaring 20s Treatment

Last year, London-based photographer and mom Neli Prahova made headlines with her whimsical portraits of newborn babies. Now she’s giving some of her photo sessions a special vintage twist.

A “Downton Abbey” fan, Prahova recently decided to create a themed photo series dedicated to the period drama. “I’ve watched all the series, and that period of the history has always been very interesting to me,” she told The Huffington Post.

The next step for the photographer was gathering props to stage the scenes. Prahova used many personal family items like pearls, theater binoculars, an old trunk, and furs to supplement the antique 1920s props she found at Portobello Market.

Looking at the beautiful photos she created, it’s clear that Prahova’s treasure hunting paid off. The photographer said she hopes to create more themed photo series in the future. “In a way it was much more challenging — but in a way much more fun.”

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