Fleece-Lined Tights Are The Life Line You Need To Get Through The Rest Of Winter

This goes out to all the women who prefer to wear dresses, even when the temperatures are in the 30s. We see you. We understand the struggle. And we’re here to commiserate. Winter can be a rough season for us. It’s so cold and rocking a dress or skirt with regular stockings just doesn’t cut it. But wearing fleece-lined tights just might.

Many people don’t even know there is such a thing as fleece-lined tights, but let us tell you, they are like little miracles for your legs. They are so cozy, so comfortable and will allow you to ditch your skinny jeans all season long, without getting frostbite on your calves.

So where do you find these mystical items? That’s where we come in. First, a warning. They can be tricky to track down in stores. They often sell out in November and finding the right size (especially if you’re tall) can be a bit of a nightmare. Long story semi-short, buy them online to save yourself the headache of tracking them down IRL.

To help you on your way, we’ve rounded up a number of options in various textures, colors and sizes so you and your legs will be warm ’till spring. Long live the sweater dress!