How I Used Instragram to Buy a New Outfit

You all know how absolutely obsessed I am with social media. In this week’s episode of Hardwired 2.0 I show off a few of my favorite apps I use every day that allow me to communicate and stay connected with the world.

Coffee is essential to my daily routine and I use the Starbucks’ app to guide me to their nearest store wherever I am. I use my phone to pay for coffee and it keeps my favorite drink on file!

Having a social following is great and I often look to you guys to help me make decisions. I had trouble deciding which Guess outfit to buy so I let my fans decide on Instagram! Great choice, guys!

Taking selfies to document your adventures is always fun but you always put what you’re looking at behind you. Frontback fixes this by using both cameras on your phone to composite both pictures together!

What social tech are you using? Join the conversation by tweeting @aoloriginals, @ijustine, #AolHardwired #gethardwired!