Karlie Kloss Proves It: Coding Is Officially in Style!

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A video posted by @karliekloss on

AOL’s millennial site, Cambio.com, launched its latest initiative with Girls Who Code, a non-profit organization that is committed to closing the gender gap in the technology and engineering sections. As part of the partnership, five of the group’s alumnae worked on a complete Cambio.com site overhaul and while some may consider coding a nerdy past-time, we know of at least one supermodel who is on board with the tech skill: Victoria’s Secret’s own, Karlie Kloss.

After having posted an image of herself learning how to code back in August, Karlie took to social media once again this past weekend to show her support of the tech world, this time tweeting a special message of congratulations to the Cambio team. “The future of technology will be #BuiltByGirls! Congrats to the @GirlsWhoCode alumnae who rebuilt @cambio,” wrote the budding supermodel-mogul. Little did we know, she wasn’t the only super taking note of the Girls Who Code. Just days before her annual Halloween bash, Heidi Klum shared her support of the initiative with her 2.6 million followers along with such other notables as Maria Menounos, Michelle Phan, Kate Walsh and Rachel Roy.

So, nerdy, square– call it what you will, but these supers agree: coding is now officially in style!

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