Miley Cyrus Poses In Ninja Turtle Undies, Continues To Document Her Hygiene Habits

We’re betting it’s not a part of the new “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” marketing campaign, but odds are the producers probably wouldn’t turn down a series of photos of Miley Cyrus posing in just her ninja turtle undies.

Of course, the turtles that adorn her underwear look like they are from the ’80s cartoon rather than whatever CGI monstrosity awaits moviegoers when the film opens on Aug. 8, but whatever.

Meanwhile, the 21-year-old star carries on the tradition of documenting her hygiene habits in the form of the pre- and post-shower selfie. Yep, that’s a thing Miley Cyrus does. Maybe she thinks it’s cool. Maybe she thinks it’s shocking. Maybe she just a loves a good shower.