Rihanna’s Rouge Perfume Ad Deemed ‘Sexually Suggestive’

First Instagram forces Rihanna to shut down her account, and now this.

An ad for Rihanna’s newest perfume, Rogue, is being called into question by a UK watchdog group for being “sexually suggestive.” But after wearing this Adam Selman gown to the CFDA Awards and baring all on various social media platforms, we have a feeling this won’t really bother her.

rihanna rogue ad

Sure there’s a little bit of bum and and a whole lot of leg, but take one look at her perfume ads for Rebelle or Nude, and you’ll see that this is actually a pretty tame shot for her latest campaign. However, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) have said that the ad “was sexually suggestive and should have been given a placement restriction to reduce the possibility of it being seen by children.”

As Rihanna just arrived at Sephora in Paris to promote the perfume, Parlux Fragrances has said that this was the only complaint they received, and that Rihanna’s pose is a “position of power.” Some outlets have already reported that the poster is banned, but so far it seems like the company hasn’t imposed any limitations on where it is being displayed.

While we think it is important that young children grow up with a healthy sense of self (which is not always reflected in certain magazines), we’re honestly shocked that THIS image is causing waves. UK publication The Sun has featured a topless woman on the infamous “Page 3” of their daily paper for the past 40 years, so we would suggested tackling that issue, ASA, before you ban our girl Riri.

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