The Strange Truth Behind the Woman With Three Boobs

Source: Facebook user Jasmine Tridevil

Jasmine Tridevil from Tampa, FL, went viral this week when she claimed that she had paid $20,000 to get a third breast implanted on her chest to make herself “unattractive to men.” If the story (and accompanying photos) sounds pretty unbelievable, that’s because the “third boob” is most likely a hoax. Jasmine claims that her alleged new look is part of her self-produced reality show that she is currently pitching to networks.

Source: Facebook user Jasmine Tridevil

Local news affiliate WTSP caught up with 21-year-old Jasmine on Monday night for an ambush interview, where interviewers asked her show them her now-infamous chest. (It’s a little less sleazy than it sounds.) She obliges and pulls up her shirt to reveal a fake-looking breastplate that does indeed have three breasts. Other viral snoops have poked holes in Jasmine’s story, pointing out the skin-tone difference in the videos and pictures she’s shared of her chest and the fact that no doctor in his right mind would agree to perform the surgery. Sleuths have also discovered that Jasmine’s website,, is registered to a woman named Alisha Hessler, who claims to own a massage parlor that has been a “provider of internet hoaxes since 2014.” You can also clearly see the outline and skin color difference in a video that Jasmine posted on YouTube back in August. Watch the video below.