This Instagram Account Finds the Best Stuff at Forever 21 So You Don’t Have To

If you’ve ever been shopping at Forever 21, you’ll know that sometimes the experience can be a bit overwhelming. There’s just so much to choose from – dresses, shirts, shoes, accessories – that we’re never quite sure where to start (or where to stop, for that matter). But recently, we’ve come across a useful tool, one that’ll help us find the really good stuff sold at this fast-fashion store: Forever21 Finds.

Samantha Mollen (as in the sister of funny-woman Jenny Mollen and the sister-in-law of Jason Biggs) sifts through the racks of Forever 21, finds some items that look pretty darn close to designer, and then posts them, product info and all, to Instagram. It’s one of those things that make you wonder, “Why didn’t I think of this before?!” but at the same time feel grateful there’s someone else to do the dirty work.

So what should we be snatching up from Forever 21 at the moment? Keep reading to find out.

Source: Instagram user f21finds