What It’s Like To Turn 30 In Three Hilarious Charts

From friends getting married and having little humans, to a night on the couch instead of a night on the town — life changes a lot once you hit the dirty 30.

Over at The Bold Italic, writer Cecilia Rabess and visual producer Jessica Saia created 10 graphs that hilariously illustrate the good, the bad and the boring of turning 30 years young.

Here are three charts from Rabess and Saia we feel truly give us insight into life after the big 3-0.

Say goodbye to obnoxious selfies and hello to adorable babies. Don’t like babies? Block everyone you know.
whats on my fb

(If you’re reading this on your phone click here to enlarge.)

You may do a lot of the same things in your 30s that you did in your 20s… you’ll just have different reasons for doing them.

(If you’re reading this on your phone click here to enlarge.)

And, finally, some awesome perks of being 30? No. More. Ikea. Oh, and zero f*cks given.

(If you’re reading this on your phone click here to enlarge.)

Head over to The Bold Italic to see the rest of the Turning 30 charts.

H/T Bustle