What’s Your Bikini Style? Do You Love This Bold Eye Shadow? Vote Now In Our Polls!

It’s that time of the month again! PEOPLE StyleWatch readers, we need your help! With warmer weather right around the corner, it’s almost time for swimwear shopping, and we want to know how you like your suits to fit — teeny-tiny or totally covered up? Vote in the poll below, then comment for a chance to be featured in our July issue!

Taylor Swift, Maria Sharapova, Megan FoxSplash News; Getty; AKM-GSI

RELATED PHOTOS: Obsessed or Hot Mess: Vote on these daring looks!

Solange KnowlesGetty

Now let’s talk beauty. What do you think of Solange Knowles’s bright citrus eye shadow: super cute or too much? Weigh in here!

–Sarah Kinonen