It’s almost Halloween, the season of tricks, treats, parties and costumes. Whether you’re a major Halloween enthusiast or just a fan of the two-for-one bags of fun-size Snickers, chances are, you’ve been asked one of the following questions this month:
• What are you being for Halloween?!
• How are you celebrating Halloween?!
• Are you excited for Halloween?!
Do you have answers to these questions? Maybe it’s time to start thinking about it! One thing I do love about Halloween is that it’s ever changing. Thanksgiving and Christmas traditions seem to carry from year to year — you sing the same carols, bake many of the same recipes, and can count on your grandma to pinch your cheeks. But on Halloween, everyone puts on a mask and creates a new identity, the treats are varied, and the tricks get spookier. It’s always different! So give yourself permission to be free and fun, if you want to! When you choose your costume this year, the real question is: what version of yourself do you want to let loose?
My friends and I have certainly let loose and worn some cool costumes over the years. What makes the holiday even more fun is that we’re such different people, and our costumes always reflect us as individuals. Below are some examples of Halloween personality types and what each one can say about the person behind the mask:
1. The Jokester. Whoever’s wearing this costume is probably the life of the party (or at least is hoping to be). Whether the costume is “punny” (like a “cereal killer”?! RIP breakfast food!) or just plain ridiculous (case in point: anyone with a squirt gun or whoopee cushion), the Jokester is letting the inner “funny guy” free, sending a message of “let’s have a good time!”
2. The Repeater. You know the type. The Repeater is the friend who has one costume that works for them, so it makes an appearance every October 31st. There’s nothing wrong with this, of course! The Repeater knows himself. He knows what makes him comfortable and likes to keep things simple.
3. The Minimalist. This guy or gal may really enjoy Halloween but might be too busy this year to have thought about it much before the morning of! (Likely suspects here include: new parents, the workaholics, and the “alright, you convinced me, I’ll come!” guys) The Minimalist likely buys a pair of pointy black ears to accompany a black T-shirt, and…Voila! A Cat! Maybe the Minimalist is shy or busy, but given the fact that Halloween probably isn’t their idea of a perfect evening, you’ve got to give them credit for participating.
4. The Traditionalist. These guys wear the costumes that are steadfast and true: ghosts, vampires, and witches. Oh My! Traditionalists like to create Halloween rituals and totally subscribe to the familiar seasonal tropes. We need these folks out and about on Halloween or else we’d be stuck with only funny characters and princesses roaming the streets on what’s supposed to be the spookiest day of the year!
5. The Award Winner. Even if there’s not an official costume contest going on, you can always spot the Award Winner. This type (often the creative type to begin with–actors, designers, writers, artists) are dressed to the nines, and no detail is ignored. There was likely lengthy preparation, hours of sewing, and a makeup artist involved in the process, and it paid off! If you’re partying with an Award Winner, don’t be surprised if people stop you on the street to snap a photo.
6. The Anti-Costumer. Some people simply aren’t costume people, and even more so than the Minimalist, you’ll find the Anti-Costumer. They might be the type to stay home with a mug of hot apple cider, preferring to marathon some horror films on TV. They might attend a party but not dress up. Or they might completely ignore the festivities of the day and wake up on November 1st without the sugar hangover we’re all dreading. More power to them!
When it comes down to it, there’s no right or wrong way to celebrate Halloween. But when you’re planning this year, listen to your gut; is there a certain side of yourself that’s itching to yell “Trick or Treat”!? Are you feeling more reserved or more adventurous? Is the same true in your overall life these days? Whatever you’re feeling, allow your inner Award Winner or Minimalist or Whomever you wish to step into the spotlight, and take the opportunity to reflect on your choice. We’d love to hear from you, so be sure to let us know what your Halloween identity is this year. You might just surprise yourself!