You won’t believe how much production goes into hosting and directing a good street style video. I’ve spent countless of hours on YouTube watching makeup tutorials, clothing hauls, and binge-watching mini shows with the impression that these videos were done effortlessly. But, actually, there are so many components that go into shooting for Internet consumption. There are a few camera guys, definitely a director, sometimes a YouTube sensation, a hair and makeup artist, and a production manager to give you snacks, and obviously professional lighting equipment. The last time I was in San Fran, someone from Glam.com came up to me in Haze Valley and asked if I had time to chat about my outfit. Surprisingly, I didn’t know that my secret dreams of being in a YouTube video were going to be fulfilled. The days of doing things basic are long gone.
Glam.com apparently teamed up with Jenn from Clothes Encounter, a blog and YouTube channel about fashion and lifestyle advice, to connect on what’s hot and trending in NorCal. Although I was not familiar with neither one of these brands prior to shooting, just from a quick Google search I was instantly entertained with their YouTube video on how to master the art of contouring.

Once I agreed to be in the street style video, the director gave me a call time. Upon call time, I was given hair and makeup. I was primped to say the least. My hair was polished with fancy products like Oribe hair spray. Mac lip stain was painted on my lips. It was so bright I was sure I’d look like a circus performer. After getting glam in the park (which also sounds sexual), there was a little waiting before the director came over to give suggestions on what to say when the camera is rolling. This is when I helped myself to the generous amount of set snacks.
Finally, I’m led to the action area, which consisted of this cool wall of graffiti across from a gourmet hot dog stand. There were no car horns or noise from ambulance vehicles; you know… things you’d hear and come across outside of a park in a bustling city. It was the perfect afternoon to waste time being an extra. In total, my YouTube debut with Jenn took about twenty minutes–not to mention the photoshoot that ensued afterwards! Have you ever been asked to be a part of a show or some type of production while out in public minding your own business?