Emmy-winning actor Alec Baldwin fired off a series of angry, let’s go ahead and say offensive, tweets on Thursday at a journalist for The Daily Mail who accused Baldwin’s wife, Hilaria Thomas, of tweeting during James Gandolfini’s funeral.
As anyone who uses Twitter knows, tweets can be scheduled or, gasp, sent out by someone, else at any time, so Baldwin probably had a point in all of this. (Which also might explain why the reporter’s name, George Stark, has since been removed from the Mail’s report.)
It just happened to be coded with expletives and slurs and, well, ugh.
Here were his worst offenses:
“I’m gonna find you, George Stark, you toxic little queen, and I’m gonna f***…you…up.” (Sound familiar?)
“If [sic] put my foot up your f****** ass, George Stark, but I’m sure you’d dig it too much.”
“My wife and I attend a funeral to pay our respects to an old friend, and some toxic Brit writes this f****** trash.”
Baldwin, who during his rant also revealed that, no shit, he fired his publicity team, has since deleted his account. His tweets, however, live on on Internet screenshot infamy. (Read ‘em here.)