Nicki Minaj Has Another Nip Slip on Live TV

Nicki Minaj suffers nip slip on andy cohen live: watch what happens live

Girl just can’t keep ‘em in.

A couple weeks after her almost nip slip on Instagram, Nicki Minaj displayed a little more than cleavage on Andy Cohen‘s Watch What Happens LiveHer wardrobe malfunction from her black, low-cut bustier was seen by all for the first 20 seconds of the segment, and Nicki and Andy had no realization of the situation! Oops.

Sorry about it, Nicki.

Ironically, Andy and Nicki then began discussing her past wardrobe malfunctions (such as her Good Morning America nip slip and her undone dress during her performance at the VMA’s) … with no awareness of her current one.

FYI, fans took to Twitter to talks about her tatas and post pictures for those of you more curious about her malfunction.

Nicki is currently promoting her new album, The Pinkprintwhich was released on December 15th! Check it out today.