Watch the Latest (Bizarre) Simpsons Couch Gag

Homer Simpson | Photo Credits: Fox

It was a big night for The Simpsonswhich featured both a major death and a buzzed about opening couch gag.

The Season 26 premiere kicked off with Homer in front of the TV furiously tapping the remote before the date scrolled to the past and then future and he turned into a floating tentacle head. Bart and Lisa, both of whom also transformed into bizarre shapes, then appeared on screen as a robot-sounding Lisa yelled, “I am Simpson” followed by Bart adding, “Don’t have cow man.” What followed was a weird mash-up of shapes and sounds and frankly, nothing that appeared to make sense.  

Which character died on The Simpsons premiere?

Turns out, the opening was hand-drawn and animated by Oscar nominee and Indie filmmaker Don Hertzfeldt. Apparently, Hertzfeldt is a huge fan of the series:

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