“All that confirmation from other folks, that’s wonderful,” he says, “but there’s nothing like having that self-confirmation. I have a self-confirmation, that, you know what? It is time.”
When Armél sits in his studio after finishing a song, and tries to listen to it as an outsider, he claims to become aware of how hard he usually is on himself. His inner perfectionist drops away into the background, and the satisfying proof of his efforts suddenly becomes apparent.
“I love creating a character, and applying that to music,” he says. “When I’m writing my songs, I consider my writing process a canvas, and I’m painting a picture; to paint an emotion that I want the consumer to feel at that time.”
As for the future, Armél hopes to continue to create and build his own music, as well as continue to help others who are just starting out.
“I also have a passion for developing other artists,” he says, “and producing other artists besides myself. I plan on doing a lot of that.”
Although it seems almost impossible to imagine Armél finding the time and strength to expand his efforts further, there is no uncertainty in his voice. He has to do it all, and more. His conscience won’t let him have it any other way. There’s only one real way that a person is able to live like this:
“This is my enjoyment,” Armél says confidently. “Sometimes, I need to take five minutes away from what I’m doing, and take a moment to reflect on what I’m doing. If I didn’t enjoy music, it wouldn’t be worth it. This is my enjoyment.”
For more information on Armél, be sure to visit his official Web site — www.armelonline.com