Baby Gaga Mom Defends Controversial YouTube Video on ‘Early Show’

NEW YORK — The mother of the child dubbed Baby Gaga is defending a controversial video that features her 3-year-old in handcuffs and surrounded by adult female dancers.

Heidi Ladrow appeared on Tuesday’s Early Show, where she explained the video (a takeoff on Lady Gaga’s "Telephone") suited her daughter’s personality.

"She is very energetic, she’s very playful, and she’s outgoing," she said of her daughter, Keira Ladrow.

The video, which has since gone viral on YouTube, was directed Jake Wilson.

"He has known her since she was 6 months old, so she was very comfortable with him," Heidi Ladrow said of Wilson, who also appeared on the CBS morning program. "And being in the industry, he decided let’s do a video, a spoof of Lady Gaga. So it was perfect because she’s so animated. And she’s a good little dancer, so it just seemed like a good fit."

While many have complained that the video is out of line for a child, Heidi Ladrow said her daughter will be just fine.

"She loved every minute of it. She doesn’t talk about it anymore," she said. "It’s not something that’s damaging to her or anything. She had fun dressing up, being herself."



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