‘Bachelorette’ Finale: Jillian Harris Chooses Ed Swiderski

Jillian Harris, Ed Swiderski, Jillian Harris and Ed Swiderski, pictures, picture, photos, photo, pics, pic, images, image, hot, sexy, latest, new, Bachelorette finale, Jillian and Ed still together, Jillian Harris and Ed SwiderskiHOLLYWOOD, Calif. — In a season marked by men coming and going, it was only fitting that there was one last shuffle before Jillian Harris had to choose the man of her life. But in the end, it was the Canadian restaurant designer choosing the first man to leave and return to the show, Chicago tech consultant Ed Swiderski.

“You’re everything I could ever ask for in a woman…you make me smile when I look in your eyes,” the 29-year-old Swiderski told Harris on Monday’s “Bachelorette” finale.

“I’ve been waiting to tell you ‘I love you’ for so long,” replied the 29-year-old Harris.

And with that reassurance, Swiderski got down on one knee and proposed to Harris with a Neil Lane engagement ring.

“Absolutely!” responded Harris to the proposal.

“I want you to give me a hard time when we’re 80 years old,” Swiderski later joked.

The proposal was proceeded by Harris saying goodbye to Kiptyn Locke, the 31-year-old business developer from Encinitas, Calif. 

Harris also had one last surprise return to deal with before choosing Swiderski as Reid Rosenthal, a 30-year-old realtor from Philadelphia, returned to plead his case after being voted off one week earlier. While Harris admitted that the pair had a special connection, she turned down Rosenthal’s last-minute proposal, telling him she had fallen in love with someone else.

Swiderski left the show early in the season after feeling pressure from his job. However, he soon returned to sweep Harris off her feet and be the last man standing in the end.

So are Jillian and Ed still together? Check back on Wednesday for our interview with the couple as we get an update on their relationship.

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