Brandy’s Mom Suing Kardashian Family For Running Up Credit Card Bill

Kim Kardashian, pictures, picture, photos, photo, pics, pic, images, image, hot, sexy, breasts, boobs, slipHOLLYWOOD, Calif. — File this one under the category of say what?

Sonja Norwood, the mother of Brandy and Ray J, filed a lawsuit today against the Kardashian family, claiming the reality-TV stars rang up more than $120,000 in credit card charges without her permission. The suit, which was filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, names Kardashian siblings Kim, Khloe, Kourtney and Robert Jr. as defendants.

The lawsuit alleges that Kim “was authorized to make one (and only one) purchase” on Norwood’s American Express credit card in 2004, while she was working as a stylist for her daughter Brandy.

Instead, the lawsuit claims Kim made unauthorized purchases before passing Norwood’s card number on to her siblings, who then went about making even more unauthorized purchases

Norwood states that a total of $120,653.65, “calculated thus far,” is owed by the Karadashian’s. She even points out that the family used the credit card to make purchases in their own stores, Dash and Smooch.

Kim, who announced in early 2007 that she was taking legal action to prevent the distribution of a sex tape of her with then-boyfriend Ray J, has denied the allegations, telling People she and her family had Norwood’s permission to make the purchases.

“We have her signature on all items,” the 27-year-old says.

Kim and her siblings currently star on the E! reality show “Keeping Up with the Kardashians.”