HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Britney fans and Gleeks, rejoice!
After months of speculation, Glee creator Ryan Murphy has confirmed that Britney Spears will indeed appear when the Fox show dedicates an episode to her hits.
"Britney, I think 100 percent, is going to be on the episode," he revealed Tuesday during an interview on Ryan Seacrest’s radio show.
Murphy said the singer’s role is still a work in progress, but that it will tied to dreams.
"The fun thing about the episode, how we’re doing it, is all the Britney Spears numbers are fantasies," he explained. "They have fantasies about how they can be like her."
Murphy also cleared up rumors that Mr. Schuester (Matthew Morrison) would be referencing the pop star’s dark days by shaving his head.
"The Britney episode, I’m here to say, is so reverential about her and so kind, and it’s about her music and not about her personal life," he said. "We’re handling Britney with kids gloves."
Also see: Britney Spears Pictures