Chris Daughtry and Wife Deanna Twins: A Boy and a Girl

Chris Daughtry, wife, Deanna Daughtry, baby, twins, children, kids, pregnancy, surrogate, pictures, picture, photos, photo, pics, pic, images, image, hot, sexy, latest, new, 2010HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Chris Daughtry and his wife, Deanna, have revealed the sex of their twins, due in November via a surrogate mother.

"Big news — Deanna and I are having a boy and a girl," the rocker announced Monday on his official Web site. "We’re very excited about that. We do have names picked out but we’re going to keep them to ourselves until further notice."

The American Idol alum announced the pregnancy on his Web site back in May, calling it a "double blessing." The couple used IVF and had their embryos transferred to a gestational surrogate – due to Deanna’s partial hysterectomy in 2006.

The longtime couple has been married since 2000. They are already parents to daughter Hannah and son Griffin.