Cruise Attorney Takes Aim at Baby Store Petit Tresor Over Suri Purchases

Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes and Suri, pic, pics, picture, pictures, photo, photos, hot, celebrity, celeb, news, juicy, gossip, rumors HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — A legal firm representing Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes has fired off a cease and desist letter to Petit Trésor, warning the luxury baby boutique to refrain from discussing the couple’s shopping habits with the media.

Cruise, 45, and Holmes, 29, were less than thrilled about a recent article in Life & Style magazine, in which the store allegedly suggested that the couple had spent more than $350,000 on their daughter Suri’s wardrobe since she was born two years ago.

“Not only does this statement violate our clients’ confidentiality, but it is simply false,” Aaron Moss, an attorney for the two stars, wrote in a letter to the store’s owner, Samantha Finch, on May 12.

Moss alleges that Winch and her staff have leaked bogus info to the tabloids in order to boost the store’s profile.

“This conduct violates our clients’ rights of privacy and rights of publicity,” Moss wrote in the letter.

“Accordingly, we hereby request that you no longer use our clients as part of your public relations and marketing efforts.”

The couple’s legal rep is insisting that no one at the Los Angeles store “say anything (whether true or false) about Mr. Cruise and Ms. Holmes’ shopping habits.”

The documents were first obtained by celebrity gossip site

Petit Trésor has become a favorite of several celebrities, including Halle Berry, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Alba and Jamie Lynn Spears.