Rod Stewart and Wife Penny Lancaster Expecting Another Baby

Rod Stewart, Penny Lancaster, pregnant, pregnancy, expecting, baby, pictures, picture, photos, photo, pics, pic, images, image, hot, sexy, latest, new, 2010HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Rod Stewart is going to be a dad for the seventh time!

The singer’s wife, English model Penny Lancaster, is pregnant with the couple’s second child, People magazine reports.

"We were thrilled and delighted to be able to tell Alastair that he was going to be the big brother to a little baby, expected just before Mummy’s 40th birthday," the couple said Monday in a statement.

Stewart, 65, and Lancaster, 39, welcomed their son Alastair in 2005. The rocker also has five other children from previous relationships.

No other details about the pregnancy have been revealed.

Back in November, Stewart confessed the couple was hoping to add another member to their family.

"We’re trying – we actually tried last night!" he told the British talk show GMTV. "One more and then we’re going to close the office."

Stewart and Lancaster have been married since 2007.