Russell Brand and Katy Perry’s Wedding Will Be ‘Normal’

Katy Perry, Russell Brand, dating, couple, wedding, pictures, picture, photos, photo, pics, pic, images, image, hot, sexy, latest, new, 2010HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Russell Brand says his upcoming wedding to Katy Perry won’t be over the top.

"It will just be like a normal one," the 35-year-old actor and comedian tells British radio station Heart 106.2 of the twosome’s nuptials, which are expected to take place later this month in India, the sight of his New Year’s Eve 2009 proposal.

"It will have a first dance, it will have all of them things, like anything else," Brand continued. "It’s no more interesting or no less spectacular than any marriage of anybody, so it’s very beautiful and incredible and wonderful but it’s also utterly mundane."

Brand also revealed that the couple has asked their wedding guests to make a charity donation in favor of a lavish gift.

"Katy has got a good job and I’ve got a good job," he said. "It seems indulgent to ask for more things, so we’re going to do something more worthwhile and humane with any money that people want to give us."