Shia LaBeouf’s Driver’s License Suspended Following Car Crash

Shia LaBeoufHOLLYWOOD, Calif. — Shia LaBeouf has had his driver’s license suspended for a minimum of one year, according to Access Hollywood

The suspension, which went into effect earlier this month on Jan. 17, is the result of the actor refusing to take chemical tests after his July 2008 car crash, confirmed the Department of Motor Vehicles.

In September,  the L.A. County District Attorney’s Office announced that LaBeouf would not face DUI charges for the West Hollywood crash, but could have his license suspended. Los Angeles County District Attorney spokeswoman Jane Robison told The Associated Press that there was “insufficient evidence” to charge LaBeouf, who underwent surgery after severely injuring his hand in the accident.

Shortly after leaving West Hollywood’s Troubadour Club, the 22-year-old LaBeouf’s truck struck another vehicle around 2:24 a.m. and rolled over following the impact.

Sheriff’s deputies eventually concluded that LaBeouf was not at fault in the crash as the other driver ran a red light.