Video: Jennifer Love Hewitt on George Lopez Show

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — While the rest of late night television was bashing NBC, Jennifer Love Hewitt was on the new George Lopez show Wednesday night chatting about her private parts.

During her visit to Lopez Tonight, Hewitt brought up her upcoming romance book, The Day I Shot Cupid, and a special chapter in particular titled “Vagazzaling.”

“After a breakup a friend of mine Swarovski Crystaled my ‘precious lady’ and it shined like a disco ball and so I have a whole chapter in there about how women should ‘vagazzle’ their va-jay-jays,” explained the 30-year-old actress.

“You are the crystal Gandhi in my eyes,” responded Lopez after he got down on his knees and kissed Hewitt’s hand.

“It’s hot pink for today for you,” Hewitt later admitted. “I am currently vagazzled.”

So how has current beau Jamie Kennedy and the rest of Hewitt’s dating past reacted?

“I’ve had no complaints,” she said.

Also see: Jennifer Love Hewitt Pictures