Watch: ‘Sex and the City 2’ Movie Trailer

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — A new Sex and the City 2 movie trailer has hit the Web as the film’s May 27 release date nears.

In one scene, Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) is willing to admit that her now 2-year-old marriage to Mr. Big (Chris Noth) is in need of some fireworks.

"Big and I are getting a little too Mr. and Mrs. Married. We have to work on the sparkle," she says.

While the entire cast has been sworn to secrecy not to reveal any details about the sequel, Parker’s husband, Matthew Broderick, says fans won’t be disappointed.

"I’ve actually seen the movie, and it’s wonderful," he told People, before adding: "I can’t tell you anything about that movie, except it’s excellent."