Ted Nugent Talks Turkey With Michigan Governor Rick Snyder

LANSING, Mich. – The Motor City Madman has talked turkey with One Tough Nerd.

A spokeswoman for Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, the self-proclaimed "tough nerd," says he met Thursday with rocker and outspoken celebrity hunter Ted Nugent in the Republican governor’s office.

Nugent, a Michigan native, told reporters before the meeting that he seeks to loosen hunting regulations. Among his pet-peeves: the need for a license to hunt wild turkeys. Nugent says they’re as plentiful as mosquitoes.

He also criticized the requirement to keep a hunting bow in a zipped case during transport.

Snyder spokeswoman Geralyn Lasher says the governor called it a "great conversation" and "a lot of fun" to meet with Nugent. She says the governor appreciates that Nugent is champion of Michigan and its outdoors.

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