Yale Student Says No Feud with James Franco

James Franco, pictures, picture, photos, photo, pics, pic, images, image, hot, sexy, latest, new, 2011NEW HAVEN, Conn. – A writer for the Yale University student newspaper says a perceived feud between her and actor and fellow Yale student James Franco has been blown out of proportion.

Cokey Cohen tells The New Haven Register that her critical blogs of Franco’s Twitter posts and pictures while he was co-hosting the Oscars were "tongue-in-cheek" and just part of her duties as a blogger on youth culture for the Yale Daily News.

Her blog postings, as well as Franco’s at times rude responses, were all in fun and she’s surprised they drew so much attention.

The 20-year-old junior and English major says she’s actually a big fan of Franco.

Franco is pursuing a doctorate in English at Yale. A call to Franco’s California-based publicist before business hours Thursday wasn’t immediately returned.

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